"Skalpel" is a DJs/producer duo (Marcin Cichy and Igor Pudlo) from Wroclaw, ...
Poland. Being part of the Ninja Foreign Legion, they're among the best-known and most respected DJs and producers, in Poland awarded with Paszporty Polityki (a prestigious, mainstream cultural award).
Four of their mixes were aired on Solid Steel in the past, two of which were released on the "Virtual Cuts" mixtape. In 2000 along with DJ Vadim and his Russian Percussion, they've toured the country presenting an amazing 4-deck show. Later that year Skalpel released a demo CD titled "Polish Jazz", which won them a lot of critical acclaim and a contract with Ninja Tune.
Over the years they've built an astounding collection of samples capturing the dusty, smoky spirit of polish jazz from 60s and 70s, and then reimagined it for the 21st century audiophile.
A BBC Interview with Skalpel.