The Montreal based musical formation Monogrenade, with Jean-Michel Pigeon (keyboard, guitar, vocals), ...
Frederic B. Girard (vocals), Mathieu Collette (drums, glockenspield, electro) and François Lessard (bass), offers a rich variety of textures and soundscapes. Their exciting melodies, haunting rhythms and aerial pop create a unique and eclectic assortment. Working on a first disc since the fall of 2008, the members of Monogrenade have known each other for many years. For the first time, they all gathered around a single project which adds the musical experiences and expertise of each, creating a unique sound with many faces. With "La saveur des fruits", the group first EP, the four musicians have made a record that is sometimes introspective and melancholic, sometimes energetic and crazy. To discover all the intricacies of the fruity universe of Monogrenade, nothing is better than an always renewed listening!