"Hiatus" (Cyrus Shahrad), is an Iranian ambient musician, who lives in south ...
London and has released various EPs and two full length LPs -- Ghost Notes and Parklands. He began recording as Hiatus in 2003, when an American friend mailed him a copy of Reason and the necessary gadgets to run instruments directly into his computer. Hiatus later independently released three EPs -- Dusky (EP) , Twilight Kingdom , Nobody (EP) ,
- each individual CD burned in iTunes, tagged with marker pen and posted by hand to friends, family and the occasional media flunky. Another EP 'Save Yourself' was released in 2010, this year also saw the release of his debut full length,Ghost Notes. Cyrus also collaborated with Smoke Feathers for Change Up EP, which was released in 2012. After giving out some free music, Hiatus released his second LP in 2013, entitled Parklands. His latest EP, The Crossing EP was released earlier this year. Cyrus also writes for various acclaimed magazines and newspapers on a range of subjects, including music and movie reviews.